January 13th, 2025.

A Lib Dem petition against a booking system for East Sussex waste sites has now been signed by more than 2,000 residents

Lewes Liberal Democrats are highlighting growing public opposition to East Sussex County Council’s proposal to introduce a booking system for household waste recycling sites. Concerns have been raised that a booking system would make waste disposal more difficult, especially for people without internet access or those needing to make urgent trips. Many residents feel the current system works well and see no need for changes.

Similar systems implemented in other regions have proven unpopular, and evidence suggests they can deter people from responsibly disposing of waste. Residents also criticised the council’s consultation process, describing it as poorly designed and failing to reflect the views of the community.

Lewes Liberal Democrats are calling on East Sussex County Council to listen to the growing number of residents who are urging them to keep the current walk-in system.

The petition remains open, and support continues to grow.

Cllr Carolyn Lambert, Lib Dem County Councillor for Seaford South, said: “The introduction of a booking system risks creating unnecessary barriers to proper waste disposal. We’ve heard from residents across East Sussex who are worried this will complicate their lives and lead to an increase in fly-tipping.

“This is a clear message from the community: we want to keep waste disposal simple, efficient, and accessible for everyone.”
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