February 9th, 2021.

Newhaven Town Council, like many other  councils across the UK, has seen the real impacts on its residents resulting from the ongoing Pandemic, with people losing their jobs, businesses going under, children missing education and the knock-on effects for families, both socially and economically.

At its Full Council meeting on Thursday the 4th of February, to consider and agree on its Budget and Precept for 2021/22, Councillors echoed the concerns of residents already experiencing poverty, low employment, low skills, low earnings, and health concerns, with these and other issues exacerbated by eleven months of COVID 19.

The Mayor, Cllr. Graham Amy, commented: “This year has been such an exceptional one for a lot of people who are really struggling in the town, and I have genuine sympathy for them.”

During the discussion, Cllr. Joe Emery formally proposed that the Council use a portion of its reserves to ensure a zero-percentage increase in its Budget/Precept requirement for 2021/22 and this was unanimously agreed at the meeting.

Cllr. Emery later reiterated his thoughts: “As a Paramedic and having the privilege of a regular income, I do believe that in the present situation, this was indeed an opportunity for the council to relieve some of the pressure felt by all residents.”

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