July 12th, 2024.

James MacCleary, MP for Lewes, has written to the Health Secretary Wes Streeting calling on him to use the pledged new money for primary care to invest in new health facilities in Seaford and Willingdon after he announced the government would be redirecting billions to “fix the front door” of the NHS.

During the General Election campaign James said that funding was desperately needed to build a new health centre to replace the outdated facility on Dane Road in Seaford and to provide the funding to construct the promised new health facility as part of the Morning Mills development in Willingdon.

The Health Secretary has promised to redirect billions into primary care to “fix the front door” of the NHS. The new Liberal Democrat MP for Lewes, James MacCleary, said that constituents would not see any benefit of this unless new facilities in local towns got desperately needed funding.

Alongside calling for much-needed investment in local communities to build on the already-secured funding for a new health hub in Newhaven, James has called for an Emergency Health and Care Budget to get urgent investment in the NHS.

The Lib Dems have said that the Emergency Health and Care Budget should include measures such as free personal care for all those who need it, boost GP numbers by 8,000 and a significant increase to the number of cancer nurses.

Liberal Democrat MP for Lewes, James MacCleary, said: "I put the issue of GP services locally at the heart of my campaign in the General Election and I intend to get results for our community. It is very good to hear that the new Health Secretary has pledged this boost in funding for frontline health services, but I want guarantees that our area will get the funding it needs.

"That’s why I have written to the Health Secretary to ask him to promise that our area will get the funding it needs. Seaford is the largest town in our constituency and is crying out for a new health centre to replace the outdated facility on Dane Road. I also want to see the new health facility that was promised as part of the unpopular Morning Mills development in Willingdon funded.

"I am also backing Liberal Democrat calls for an emergency Health and Care Budget that is needed without delay to get our health service back on its feet."
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